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The Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners.

La Antigua y Honorable Fraternidad de los Nautas del Arca Real.

The ceremony of Elevation is a delightful one with many unique features. It is based on the story of Noah and his Ark and teaches that the virtuous and industrious will prosper. The Flood is a story of cleansing and rebirth, where the wicked and impenitent perished in the deluge while the faithful and the good, represented by Noah and his family, were saved to repopulate the earth. The Installation ceremony is equally special and quite different from that of other orders.

La ceremonia de Elevación es una delicia con muchas características únicas. Se basa en la historia de Noé y su Arca, enseña que los virtuosos y laboriosos prosperarán. El Diluvio es una historia de limpieza y renacimiento, donde los malvados e impenitentes perecieron en el diluvio mientras los fieles y los buenos, representados por Noé y su familia, fueron salvados para repoblar la tierra. La ceremonia de Instalación es igualmente especial y bastante diferente a la de otras órdenes.

In common with other Masonic orders, the origin of the Royal Ark Mariner degree is not certain. There are several references to Noah and his Ark in early manuscripts, including Anderson’s constitutions of 1723. Actual degrees with a Noachite theme emerged later, for example, Patriarch Noachite or Prussian Knight in the 1760s, now the 21st Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite. However, the earliest authenticated record of a Royal Ark Mariner Degree being worked in England, in a form that we would recognise, is 1790.

Al igual que otras órdenes masónicas, el origen del grado Nautas del Arca Real no es seguro. Hay varias referencias a Noé y su Arca en los primeros manuscritos, incluidas las constituciones de Anderson de 1723. Los grados reales con un tema de Noachite surgieron más tarde, por ejemplo, Patriarch Noachite o Prussian Knight en la década de 1760, ahora el Grado 21 del Rito Antiguo y Aceptado. Sin embargo, el registro autenticado más antiguo de un título de Nauta de la Arca Real trabajado en Inglaterra, en una forma que reconoceríamos, es de 1790.

Several attempts at establishing a ‘Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners’ came to nothing. Eventually, in 1871, the Order was taken under the wing of the Mark Grand Lodge. Prior to this, the degree was worked in Craft and Mark Lodges and elsewhere.

Varios intentos de establecer una ‘Gran Logia de Nautas del Arca Real’ fracasaron. Eventualmente, en 1871, la Orden fue tomada bajo el ala de la Gran Logia de Marca. Antes de esto, el título se trabajó en Logias de Emulación y de Marca en otros lugares.

The Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners has been under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons since 1871 and is governed by the Grand Master’s Royal Ark Council.

La Antigua y Honorable Fraternidad de Nautas del Arca Real ha estado bajo la jurisdicción de la Gran Logia de Maestros Masones de Marca desde 1871 y está gobernada por el Gran Maestro del Consejo del Arca Real.

The Mark District Grand Master, his Deputy, and the District Executive preside over and are responsible for the Royal Ark Mariner Lodges in the District of Spain. All Royal Ark Mariner Lodges are attached to Mark Lodges assuming their Name and Number. To be a member you have to have been advanced as a Mark Master Mason.

Un Gran Maestre del Distrito Mark, su Diputado y el Ejecutivo del Distrito presiden y son responsables de las Logias de los Nautas del Arca Real en el Distrito de España. Todos las Logias de los Nautas del Arca Real están adjuntas a una Logia de la Marca asumiendo su Nombre y Número. Para ser miembro, debe haber sido avanzado como Mark Master Mason.

There the similarity ends. In chronological terms, the ceremony precedes the Mark ritual for hundreds of years because the Royal Ark Mariner ritual relates to the building and voyage of Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood. The ritual has none of the other characters we meet in Freemasonry.

Un Gran Maestro de Distrito de Marca, su Diputado y el Ejecutivo del Distrito presiden y son responsables de las Logias de Nautas del Arca Real en el Distrito de España. Todas las Logias de Nautas del Arca Real están adjuntas a una Logia de Marca asumiendo su Nombre y Número. Para ser miembro, debe haber sido avanzado como Maestro Mason de Marca.

In the ceremony in which a brother is elevated, analogies are drawn between the dangers of the flood and the dangers of life and by symbolising wisdom, strength, and beauty, which are relevant not only in the construction of the Ark but also for their moral significations to the candidate as an individual. The tracing board of the degree is unusual in that it contains symbols of many of the other Orders in Masonry.

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Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up by Esther Bryce, the team strives to bring in the best talent in various fields, from architecture to interior design and sales.

woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
Esther Bryce

Founder / Interior designer

woman in black blazer with brown hair
woman in black blazer with brown hair
Lianne Wilson


man standing near white wall
man standing near white wall
Jaden Smith


woman smiling wearing denim jacket
woman smiling wearing denim jacket
Jessica Kim
